
MGP Inspect offers a reliable and efficient locating (peg out) and inspecting service.
We use the latest and most accurate technology to complete our work on site and in the office. Being in-house means we can efficiently organise the site visit for a peg out or inspection, and turn a comprehensive report around quickly, no third parties or delays.
Asset Locating

To locate Sydney Water services you’ll need a peg out, also known as a service protection report or sewer survey.
What is a peg out?
A peg out is when we locate the depth and position of a sewer, water or stormwater pipe and determine its environment (the strata that it has been laid in) on your property.
Why would I need one?
If you’re planning on building or renovating you may wish to find out the exact location and depth of Sydney Water assets/structures on or near your property as part of your initial planning process, and to help your architect and structural engineer. This will assist in the design process and ensure that proposed structures comply with Sydney Water protection requirements.
You may have been referred by Sydney Water Tap In Building Plan Approval, and as part of this approval process you will need to get a peg out/service protection report completed.
What will I get?
After the site visit the team will send you a comprehensive report (PDF file) showing the detail in relation to your property, including strata (soil), depth and location of assets measured off previously surveyed structures.
Why MGP Inspect?
Our reliable and experienced team is headed up by our Managing Director, Marc Gaudry. Marc has 30 years of experience in hydraulic engineering and 20 years of experience with Sydney Water. He’s on site with the team to do a great job and provide a wealth of advice.
Application Form

If you are planning to build/develop adjacent to a council owned stormwater channel, or if your proposed plans may impede stormwater flow you may be required to locate and provide a report to your council. This report will accurately locate the asset on or close to your property and a comprehensive inspection and documented report of the current condition of this asset may also be required. Your council will specify.
MGP Inspect are able to locate and complete a dilapidation report.
We will find its depth and location in relation to existing surveyed structures on your property. Once we have been to site, accessed the stormwater via access pits, we will leave marker pegs on the site. These marker pegs will need to be picked up by your surveyor and this detail added to the current survey. The revised survey will need to be sent to MGP to enable us to complete the Asset Location Report for your council.
Application Form
Construction Inspections
As part of the Sydney Water approval process for Building Plan Approval and design work, inspections will be required at the construction phase. As an accredited inspector, MGP Inspect, can undertake these required inspections, issue certification and compliance, and complete the final submission paperwork to Sydney Water.

With your Building Plan Approval stamped plan you will have been issued a subject to requirements letter. This letter will outline any specific requirements at the construction phase.
For a Pier inspection MGP needs to come to site to check the specified approved clearance of the piers from Sydney Water assets. This needs to be completed before the concrete is poured for the piers/footings.
Application Form

With your Building Plan Approval stamped plan you will have been issued a subject to requirements letter. This letter will outline any specific requirements at the construction phase.
For a concrete encasement project you will need to engage an accredited Minor Works Constructor to complete the work When you are at the concrete encasement stage either you or the Minor Works Constructor need to contact MGP to organise the pre-site visit paperwork, and book in the site visit on the day that the concrete is poured. Allow a minimal of 48 hours to book an inspection.

With your Building Plan Approval stamped plan you will have been issued with a subject to requirements letter. This letter will outline any specific requirements at the construction phase.
For a new or relocated property junction project you will need to engage an accredited Minor Works Constructor to complete the work and organise for MGP to inspect. MGP will check that the junction is being installed as per the approved drawings that were part of the Building Plan Approval package. Allow a minimal of 48 hours to book an inspection.