Hydraulic & Fire

With over 30 years of experience in building services design we have an excellent understanding of how developments need to work. From providing essential services from the ground up through to the building’s internal infrastructure.
Our experienced team will provide an efficient and effective design to meet your brief, whilst also providing sustainable and energy conserving, cost effective and quality solutions.
Hydraulic and Fire Design Services

Experts in the field of hydraulic design services

Quality and certified fire protection system designers

Water Features
Effective and reliable hydraulic solutions for water features
Design Services & MGP Inspect

Section 73 Certification
Application and Certification for subdivision or development of land

Building Plan Approval
Approval process to build over or adjacent to Sydney Water assets

Tap-in Assessment & Application
Full assessment of your application and proposed building plans, to determine if your proposed works will affect Sydney Water assets

Asset Locating - Peg Out
Locate Sydney Water and Council assets on/near your property

Major and Minor Works
Sydney Water design and approval

Stormwater Assets
Locate and provide dilapidation report for Council and/or Sydney Water
MGP Inspect
Asset Locating - Peg Out / Service Protection Report
Our in-house team, MGP Inspect, offers a reliable, non-invasive, and professional locating and inspecting services.