Harbord Diggers Freshwater

Harbord Diggers Freshwater
The redevelopment of the Harbord Diggers on the Northern Beaches provided MGP with the opportunity to develop the hydraulic design for construction, along with processing the Sydney Water Building Plan Approval and Section 73 application.
This large multi dwelling and commercial site offers 96 units, speciality retail outlets, Club, indoor pool and gym, along with extensive underground parking.
The complexities of the site arose from designing and constructing the new services while working around a temporary Club still in operation.
The existing infrastructure was not sufficient to meet the demands of the new buildings notably that of water supply for drinking and fire fighting purposes. As such MGP designed water tanks which work specifically to supplement the authority water main, without putting stress on their existing infrastructure. The design enables this large commercial and residential site to have no impact on the local authority services, and provides efficient and effective amenities to the site.
Client: | The Mounties Group |
Project Manager: | Cerno |
Builder: | Ganellen |
Plumber: | Smart Plumbing |
Architect: | Chrofi/Architectus |