Section 73
What is a section 73?

Section 73 is a compliance certificate that confirms you’ve satisfied Sydney Water to adequately service your new subdivision or development with watermains, sewer mains, pump stations, stormwater services, amplification and/or renewals and masterplanning. 

You need a Section 73 Certificate to subdivide or develop land.

Our involvement can cover:

  • Submit a Feasibility Application with Sydney Water to obtain requirements prior to a Development Application submission
  • Submit an application for a Notice of Requirements (NOR) once the Development Application is submitted
  • Review the requirements, advise on any upgrades or adjustments to Sydney Water infrastructure
  • Undertake the design (if required by Sydney Water) and project manage the design process at the construction phase
  • Submit all necessary paperwork to obtain the Section 73 Certificate

Click here for types of developments that require a Section 73 Certificate.

What is a Section 73?

Section 73 is a compliance certificate that confirms you’ve satisfied Sydney Water to adequately service your new subdivision or development with watermains, sewer mains, pump stations, stormwater services, amplification and/or renewals and masterplanning. 

You need a Section 73 Certificate to subdivide or develop land.

Our involvement can cover:

  • Submit a Feasibility Application with Sydney Water to obtain requirements prior to a Development Application submission
  • Submit an application for a Notice of Requirements (NOR) once the Development Application is submitted
  • Review the requirements, advise on any upgrades or adjustments to Sydney Water infrastructure
  • Undertake the design (if required by Sydney Water) and project manage the design process at the construction phase
  • Submit all necessary paperwork to obtain the Section 73 Certificate

Click here for types of developments that require a Section 73 Certificate.

Section 73 - Questions & Answers
What do I need to supply MGP for the application?

Submit your project details in the form below

  1. Copy of the development and/or subdivision plans as approved or proposed – in AutoCAD format
  2. Copy of your Development Consent (DA conditions provided by your local council)
  3. Provide your Pre-allocated Plan Number (PPN), provided by your surveyor for the proposed land development
How do I start the process?

You have a few options, you can either call MGP and speak with the Sydney Water WSC team, or you can submit your project details in the form , and the details will be sent to the WSC team. 

Application Form For Quote.
For a Notice of Requirements under Section 73 of the Sydney Water Act 1994 Developer Information